John 14:6

...Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday August 10, 2010- Are you in the Battle?

I'm convinced that the Devil is planning against born-again believers everywhere. The enemy will do whatever it takes to stop you from completing God's plan for you here on earth.

The Devil wants:

1) You to give up. The Devil wants you to give up in the midst of the battle. He will whisper things in your ear like "...aren't you tired?" or "'ll never get out of this situation.."

2) You to NOT trust in The Lord. The enemy will try to get you to solve your problems in your own flesh, or trust in some one else to get you out of a situation.

3) You to wallow in your own sin. If you're an addict, The Devil wants you to use drugs more. If you're an alcoholic, The Devil wants you to just "have one more drink". If you have issues with lust, or sex-addiction, The Devil will send scantily-clad women or men your way so you can get in that one extra look. If you're coveting some object, The Devil will say to you "'s OK-take it. Nobody is looking".

4) You to put other things BEFORE The Lord. The Devil may whisper "...go to sleep-you can read your Bible another time", or " I'll pray when I get a chance".

5) You to be involved with false teachers or preachers who teach a false Gospel. The Devil wants you to listen to watered-down messages in churches all over the world. He wants you to listen to lies taught in churches, bible studies, and events everywhere.

The Devil is crafty. He will do whatever it takes to stumble a believer, so he or she takes their eyes off of The Lord.

OK-Depressed yet? Asking why I am talking about The Devil? Well, in WAR, it's always an advantage to know your enemy. The Devil knows that he loses in the end, and will do whatever it takes to send as many people to hell as possible. By diligently reading and studying The Word of God (Your BIBLE), we can equip ourselves for the daily battles of our Christian walk. Read it daily. Study it. Keep it in your heart. If God's Spirit is in you, He will speak to you through His Word!

I'm not saying that it's always going to be easy. I'm not saying that you will only receive blessings every day. As a matter of fact, I truly believe that the trial that a born-again believer in Jesus Christ goes through is proportional to the blessing that they will receive when Jesus finally takes them through the trial. We need to trust in Jesus Christ COMPLETELY, and seek His direction in all aspects of our lives! God gives us the tools to get through any trial. They are all in His Word!

2 Chronicles 20:15 states (paraphrased) that "the battle belongs to The Lord, and is NOT ours!". Learn God's precious promises. For every lie the Devil whispers in your ear, Jesus will bring scripture to you to rebuke him.

Brothers & Sisters-we all need to be studying God's Word every day. We need to live it. We need to use it. We need to pray. We need to trust in Jesus!


1 comment:

deb <*)))> said...

Whew, I am exhausted thinking about how hard the enemy is at work to trip us up......Be strong and take courage do not fear or be dismayed.....For the Lord will fight the battle for us......we need to know His Word.....Amen