John 14:6

...Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Question...?

Editors Note: I will NOT be posting "Today's Word" on the weekends. Instead, I will post questions to all the Brothers & Sisters in Christ and try to engage them & get them to think.


John 21:15-18

I have a question-Does Jesus need to ask you this every once and a while -"Do you love Me?" Does He need to remind you that He died for YOU on the Cross, was buried, and conquered death for all eternity by being resurrected on the 3rd day?

It's sad that we sometimes lose sight of our mission here on earth. This is really HIS mission for us here on earth! As Christians, we are called to:

1) Matthew 28:18-19, AND Mark 16:15 - "...go out and preach the Gospel to everyone..."

2) John 13:34-35. "... love one another..."

BTW- I'm paraphrasing the scriptures above...

Item number 2 is the tougher one for me. Can we truly love even the "un-lovable"? Come on-you know who I am talking about. It may be your boss. It may be someone at work gunning for your job. It may be a problem customer. It may be a family member. A neighbor or two. A teacher, or fellow student. It may be the new President of the US. It may be someone at Church. My point is-how hard do we really work at this directive from the Lord Jesus?

The reason I chose to talk about item number 2 is that if we cannot truly love the "un-lovable", then how can we possibly share The Gospel, or the Love of Jesus with them?

Just something to think about....

How do you overcome these obstacles in your walk?

I would love to hear your thoughts and share mine.


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