John 14:6

...Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

I Was Created For....

A friend and Sister in The Lord shared this with me, and wanted me to share this on The Jesus Freak Blog. Thank you, Genevieve- for being so faithful and writing this down after God spoke to you.

I Was Created For………………

For You O Lord I was created. I was created to praise you, the very one who created the universe and everything that exists! Every time I see the sun, or smell the fragrant flowers I see the work of your hands. When I look at the ocean or the mountains I see your majesty and power, I stand in awe of your creations, knowing this is but a shadow of what is in heaven. I praise you for who You are. You are Majestic, sovereign and holy. You are the very essence and meaning of why these words were created, I am humbled and honored to be able to call you Father.

I was created to worship you. To worship you for the very life I have. For you have redeemed and purchased my life with your precious blood. You have restored me spiritually and physically. I truly am a new creation because of You. I will be forever grateful, and am yours to do whatever you will. I was created to have an intimate relationship with you, the one true living God, who has revealed great mysteries to me. To know you, and your will in my life as well as you know me. To become more and more like you, so others can see your love, grace and mercy that are waiting for them. 

When I am in your presence I only want to praise you. To get so lost in you, time or the things of this world do no matter. This is the fulfillment of all joy and gratification. What joy that overflows in me, when my spirit soars higher into the holiest of holies. I bow down humbled and awed that you love me the way you do. When these revelations come upon me, it literally takes my breath away and again the only thing I can do is worship You.

I was created to worship, praise, and glorify you, have reverence, fear, obey, and serve you. Have a relationship with you, bring others to you, be faithful, love you and you alone, but most of all I was created to spend eternity in your presence. Oh, the joy and privilege that awaits me. I thank you Lord for creating me.

ALL the Glory to Jesus!  AMEN?

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