So-your life seems like it's going nowhere. Things just stopped "happening" for you. You haven't heard from God in a long time, and you have no desire to even pick up His Word. When you do pick up your Bible, you can't get a handle on the Scriptures-The Holy Spirit is nowhere to be found. Everything you try to do ends in failure, and you even fall into hopelessness.
Sound familiar? This time of the year (Christmas Time!!!), people tend to fall into deep depression. I'm not sure why, but it's a known fact that hopelessness drives the number of suicides up about this time every year. Suicide isn't the only thing that happens, but this time of the year. Many professing "Christians" actually turn away from God during these trying times.
Believers in The Lord Jesus Christ are not immune from this type of satanic attack. Satan wants you to feel depressed, and to give up hope. Satan wants you to stop reading God's Word-because it says that he loses in the end!
Brothers and Sisters-we MUST not let the enemy gain a foothold in our lives! We MUST read The Holy Word every chance we get! We MUST pray for God's Holy Spirit to give us insight and understanding when we read it! We MUST study it, and understand what we're reading! We MUST apply it ALL to our own walk with The Lord! And-we MUST live it! If we say that we are Christians, then we MUST be Christ-like!
Brothers & Sisters, it says in 1John that:
"We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did."
We cannot be "in The World AND of The World". We cannot straddle both sides of the fence. We either must be ALL for Him, or ALL against HIM! My friends, Jesus Christ, Savior of the world wants ALL of you, not PART of you. He is a FULL-TIME Savior!!! Be a FULL-TIME follower!!!!
Friends, make a commitment today to follow Jesus Christ with ALL your heart, soul, mind, and strength. You'll see-if your walk has turned into a crawl, just how fast you'll learn to walk again. Jesus Christ will be there, urging you on, ready to catch you in His arms if you stumble or fall! He loves you, and He wants you to not only be able to walk, but to be able to RUN! Like any loving father, Jesus doesn't make it about falling. It's all about getting up again!
OK-Now I'm all excited! Can somebody PLEASE shout AMEN?
Stay tuned for more......
I am shouting the loudest AMEN!! I was feeling like this about a month ago, but after some soul searchinh I realized through the Holy Spirit it was because of sin not being confessed in my lfe. I was holding onto a offense I thought I gave to the Lord, which resulted in it hindering my relationship with Christ. I totally surrendered it and am now restored. Oh how I praise God! Thank you for your faithfulness and I look forward to the next blog.
Ira, that was soooo "right on"... and indeed a confirmation to where I am with the Lord right now. Thank you so much for begin obedient to the Lord and sharing it! Looking forward to Part 2!
Hopefully will see you guys in the not-too-distant future!
Your BIC,
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