John 14:6

...Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sorry If I have to Repeat Myself...

On Wednesday, July 15, 2009, I posted a BLOG entry about Trusting in The Lord.

Well, something happened in Church this past Sunday that prompted me to share this message with all of you once again.

Did you ever attend a Sunday service where The Holy Spirit just falls on the place and takes over everything? Well-that happened this past Sunday.

Every prayer had a theme. Every testimony had a theme. Every Word from God had a theme. Jesus took me down a path that I could not help but follow while I was up at the altar praying with some brothers. I sense that The Lord was telling us not to fear, and to TRUST IN HIM!!! I shared this with the brothers I was praying with, and they received it as a personal Word from God!

This is why I wanted to share this Word again, for those who may not have had a chance to read it before.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Today's Word-July 15, 2009 -Food for Thought...
Something to think about......If you are a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, then you obviously trust that when you close your eyes on this world, you will open them in Heaven. You believe and trust that Jesus will take you to heaven.Here's the important question:If you trust Jesus to get you to Heaven, why won't you trust Him with the cares and concerns of your daily life? Surely the One True God who can get you to Heaven can supply your every need. He can break chains of bondage, he can cure addictions, he can supply a need at the last minute-just when you've given up hope. He can give you peace, He can give you joy, He can fight the battles that you're in-It says so in God's Word!!! He can find you a job, he can heal the sick, and HE CAN RAISE THE DEAD!!!Is anyone else excited about Jesus???!!! I know I am!!!I'm curious to hear back from everyone on what they think about this.

I have just one question- DO YOU TRUST HIM?

But Lord-I need money! DO YOU TRUST HIM?

Lord, I need a job! DO YOU TRUST HIM?

But Lord, I can do this on my own-I don't want to bother you! DO YOU TRUST HIM?

Lord-I need to be delivered from drug addiction! DO YOU TRUST HIM?

Lord, I'm hooked on pornography! DO YOU TRUST HIM?

Lord-I'm coveting worldly things! DO YOU TRUST HIM?

But Lord, I'm confused-Oprah says that there's more than one way to get to heaven! DO YOU TRUST HIM?

Lord-I need to pass this exam! DO YOU TRUST HIM?

Lord-I've been in a trial that seems to have been going on forever! DO YOU TRUST HIM?

Lord-my family is not saved & going to heaven! DO YOU TRUST HIM?

Lord-I'm sick, and I need a healing-can't I just take some pills? DO YOU TRUST HIM?

But Lord-what do I do here? Should I step out in my flesh, or wait for You to guide me down the correct path? DO YOU TRUST HIM?

Can somebody please answer me: WHAT'S IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD?

Let me hear from you.


1 comment:

deb <*)))>< said...

When I am afraid I will trust in Him...Yes I trust him......Amem