2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
I have been thinking for some time about the transformation that happens when The Lord calls somebody into the Kingdom. The Bible clearly states that the old things are supposed to be gone, and we are supposed to be new creations (Paraphrased).
Here's my challenge to you. Have you REALLY let go of the old things? Have the things of this world become strangely dim? Is the world sucking you back into the clutches of sin?
I would be lying if I told you that I didn't find myself singing along with songs on the radio at work, or in someone elses car. I constantly have to check myself to see if my heart is right, and if I am focused on Christ. I'm human, as are all of you, but we need to be different than the people who are in the world. Jesus says that " ..by their fruits, you will know them" (Matthew 7:18-20).
If you need to repent, then now is the time. Just ask Jesus to forgive you for taking your eyes off of him, and for seeking the things of this world.
Here's something that The Lord has been speaking to me about for a few weeks now. I hope this speaks to you. This speaks of my old life, and my new one in Christ.
Before Christ I was looking for my “Stairway to Heaven”
Now, I’m believing for my “Mansion in Heaven” (John 14:2-4)
Before Christ, I was on a “Highway to Hell”
Now, I’m on the “Highway to Holiness” (Isaiah 35:8)
Before Christ, I was looking for a “Revolution”
Now, I’m studying “Revelation”.
Before Christ, I was “Blinded by The light”.
Now, I’m serving “The Light of The World” (John 8:12, John 9:5)
Before Christ, I couldn’t get any “Satisfaction”
Now, The Lord “Satisfies my soul”. (Isaiah 58:11)
Before Christ, I came to a stop at the “Crossroads”.
Now, Jesus guides me down the path He has set before me. (Psalm 23:3, Psalm 44:18, Psalm 119:35)
Before Christ, somebody kept asking me: “Can’t you hear me knocking?”
Now, I know it’s Jesus- who says “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20)
Before Christ, I kept “Wishing I was HERE”, wherever “HERE” was…
Now, I wish I was somewhere else! (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)
Before Christ, I thought I was a “Free Bird”.
Now, I am “Free in Christ”. (Romans 8:1-8)* (READ THE WHOLE SECTION)*
Before Christ, I was trying to figure out what it would feel like spending “30 Days in a Hole”
Now, I’m grateful that Jesus spent 3 days in a hole (tomb), and rose on the 3rd day!!!! (Matthew 28:1-8)
Before Christ, I used to follow The Grateful Dead.
Now, I follow The Way, The Truth, and The Life (John 14:6) and I’m grateful for the promise of ETERNAL LIFE!!!
I'm speaking to the people who profess to know Jesus Christ: We need to walk in the Light! There is nothing but darkness in the world, and according to God's Word, light CANNOT exist with darkness. 1 John states that Jesus is The Light! Let's let the Light shine through us so the world can see Him! Let go of the things of this world, and seek after Jesus Christ
Can somebody PLEEEEAASSEE shout AMEN?!!!
AMEN!!! Thanks for the inspirational message, it evokes reflextion. It is true that the change should be evident in the things we think, say and do. There is great pride and fullfilment when this happens, as we are in essence demonstrating His love and power working in us. The creator working through me! How wonderful!
AMEN!!! I remember those befores, Halleluiah to our life changing God,Our ADONAI*** LORD and Master over ALL our lives.
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