I was in the Gospel of Mark this morning, in chapter 10. Specifically, I was reading about blind Bartimaeus. The verses that stood out were verses 47-52. I only wanted to talk about verses 47-50.
In verse 47, blind Bartimaeus began to call out to The Lord Jesus-" Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me." Although many then urged him to be quiet, Ol Bart cried out again "..Son of David, have mercy on me."
After the second time, Jesus stood still and "commanded him to be called". Imagine-somebody called out for mercy, and the Creator of everything stopped in his tracks and commended that he be called over! Jesus's disciples then called Bart over saying "Be of good cheer. Rise, He is calling you."
I couldn't help but be moved by this portion of scripture. Here is a blind man, calling out to The Lord for mercy. What he really wanted was his sight, but old Bart was to get more than that. He was about to enter into the kingdom of God!
How many times do we cry out to Jesus for His grace and mercy? What is it that we are really looking for? Is it a healing? Provision? Deliverance from bondage? Or-is it for the salvation of a loved one?
We need to come to the throne of grace EVERY DAY! Jesus knows our hearts, and he wants us to come to Him like little children to ask of our Heavenly Father. He wants us to know that there is nothing, or no one blocking access to Him. The Word of God states that "His mercies are new every morning.." How awesome is that-all we need to do is to come to Him with Faith, and imagine-The Lord Jesus Christ will stop to listen to our cries!
Old Bart did receive a healing from Jesus. Jesus told him that "...your faith has made you well." His sight was restored!
This isn't the first time that Jesus has healed people based on their measure of faith. m The Gospels are full of accounts such as the woman with the issue of blood, Jarius' daughter, several lepers, the 2 blind men, the centurions' servant, and many others. I myself, have seen my faith tested in various circumstances. Time and time again, God's Word proves itself true in my life!!!
Your faith is so powerful that if you have the faith as small as a mustard seed, you will be able to move mountains! Why not put your faith to work?
Jesus may be calling you to come forward for prayer during a Church service. It may be for a healing, provision, or deliverance. Step forward in faith and let the elders of that church anoint you with oil in The Name of The Lord, and let the prayers of faith come forth.
Jesus may be calling you to share your faith with someone. It may be a family member-it may be at work. In all of these situations, take a step of faith, and look for the opportunity to talk about the love of Jesus, and about salvation. You'll be surprised what can happen! God's Word can be heard through various means.
Jesus may be calling you to ministry. There are lots of different types of ministry, each with it's own individual qualifications for it's leaders. You may be called to take a "Step of faith", or in some circumstances-to take a "leap of faith". In either situation, where God guides, He will provide!
Jesus may be calling you to pray for others. Sometimes, others may not have the same level of faith that you have. They may not have any faith at all, but we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us! We can have faith for others!
So here's a question for you-
Is Jesus calling you today?
If you're reading this blog, and you have never experienced the Love of Jesus Christ and been born again, then you need to get right with God NOW! I'm not going to give you a prayer to recite-but I will tell you the steps you need to take. (1) You need to admit that you are a sinner, and that you have fallen short of God's glory. You also need to REPENT (turn aside from) your sins. (2) You need to BELIEVE in Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior. You need to acknowledge that He died on the cross for your sins, and that he was buried in a grave and rose on the 3rd day. (3) You need to confess that Jesus is now your Lord & Savior, by asking Him to be Lord of your life.
Is Jesus calling you today?
You may already be a "believer" who calls him or herself a Christian. You may be playing Church. You may be "talking the talk", but not "walking the walk". You may be a "Christian" outwardly, but may be living a life full of secret sins. You may be in bondage. If this is you-YOU NEED TO GET RIGHT WITH GOD NOW!!!
Is Jesus calling you today?
You may be praying about making a "move" somewhere in your life-it may be to a new job, into ministry, or relocating. Listen for His Voice......
Is Jesus calling you today?
Do you hear His voice?
Respond to Him NOW!
May The Holy Spirit of God provide you with ears to hear, eyes to see, and with a heart to understand the Voice of God!
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