John 14:6

...Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Ultimate "Bailout Package"...

All we hear lately is about some corporation getting bailed out by the government. AIG, Citibank, GM, and many others needed President Obama's administration to bail them out from the mountain of debt that they have accumulated over the lifetime of the company. Years and years of mismanagement have caused this. Indifference caused this. Greed caused this. I could go on and on...

Think about this: These huge corporations have debts they cannot pay. Most, if not all of them beg the government for a bailout, for their debts to be paid. The government bails them out-not once, but twice. Their debt is still not paid. The people who run these companies show no remorse about how they are run. They will not admit their wrongdoings (sins). They even continue in sin by throwing lavish parties, going on "retreats", and rewarding their employees with "bonuses" when the companies are bleeding cash. SOUND FAMILIAR?

Around 2000 years ago, God decided to bail out mankind. He sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ to pay a debt that we could not pay. We were greedy, indifferent, and through years of abuse, we let our debt of sin accumulate. The load was so heavy, that we had to cry out - HELP US! This offer was a one-time offer. It would not be repeated again.

Unlike the greedy mega-conglomerates that are keeping their head above water with the help of the government, (and us, our children & grandchildren) we realized that we were truly sinners. God's Word tells us that:

-"For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.", Rom.3:23 .


"And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission.", Hebrews 9:22

Back in the days of Moses, God taught the children of Israel that the way that they needed to have their sins (their DEBT) forgiven was to bring a sacrifice to the temple, and have the High Priest kill it on the altar. The blood was applied to the altar, and sprinkled on the Mercy Seat inside the Holy of Holies. Once this was completed, the High Priest would complete atonement for that person, and their sins would be forgiven. Their debt was then paid.

-"And His is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for THE SINS OF THE WHOLE WORLD." , 1John 2:2

The Greek word "propitiation" means: "appeased", or "satisfied". Other religious sources say that it means " payed in full", as in having a debt forgiven. That is what Jesus did for us when He died on the Cross! Jesus paid our debt because we couldn't. God loved us so much, that He offered a bailout package to the whole planet:

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.", John 3:16

Jesus was the propitiation for our sin. The shedding of His Blood at Calvary made atonement for us, and our debt was paid. The great thing is that not only were our past sins forgiven, but present and future ones as well.

The great thing is that we never have to pay it back. God only asks that we worship Him, and Him alone. We need to recognize that without this bailout, we would be "out of business". Satan would buy up our outstanding debt, then own our souls, and us.

Now, keep in mind: Obama didn't offer you this bailout package. Congress will not offer this to you. The European Union won't offer this to you. AIG won't offer to pay this debt for you. Your employer cannot pay this debt for you. ONLY the atoning act of the Son of God, Jesus Christ dying on that Cross at Calvary has paid that debt for you. Your slate has been wiped clean!! HALLELUJAH!!!!

We need to keep telling everyone about God's free gift, this "bailout package", that has no cost to it. We never have to pay it back-it's free. All someone needs to do is ask.

Tell somebody about the ultimate "bailout package" today!!!

Can somebody PLEASE shout AMEN???!!!!!

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