John 14:6

...Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Glory to God in The Highest!!!

Personal Testimony of God's Glory!

Last Sunday, I was "leading in" at Church.  Typically, the Deacons just read some scripture, pray, do some announcements, and ask for testimonies-lead the service, in essence.  Sunday morning before Church, I thought that I was going to be reading some scriptures on idolatry, and maybe commenting a little on that.

Well, God had other plans.  I felt the Holy Spirit tugging on my heart, but I didn't know why. As I sought God's direction on this, He clearly spoke to my soul in a still, small voice.  He told me to give the Gospel message.  "OK, Lord", I thought.  I'll do what you say, and expect something to happen.

When I got to Church, The Holy Spirit also impressed upon me to have a prayer line as well.  Well-it turned out that ALL of the church's Elders were out, and there were only 3 Deacon's including myself.  I recruited one of the Trustees of the Church who I know has a heart for praying to assist us.

Right after the worship began, I stood up, announced that we were going to have a prayer line, and gave the Gospel message.  I don't really remember exactly what I said.  I even think I left out some things that I normally would say when I give this message.  I don't remember saying anything about Heaven or Hell.  Just the basic message about God's Love and Jesus's dying on the cross for our sins.  I went from behind the podium, down to the front of the altar to begin the prayer line.  3 other brothers came up to assist me, and we broke into groups of 2.  We prayed.  We praised God together, and thanked Him for his goodness.  I left that prayer line feeling encouraged by some of the testimonies that were shared with me.

Anyway, the service began shortly after we were done.  The Pastor gave his message-one of the things he touched on was IDOLATRY!  Go figure...

After the service was over, my friend & brother, John asked me if he knew what happened during the prayer line.  I said-"NO-what happened?"  He began to tell me that a young woman, new to our church came up to the altar, and told John that she needed Jesus in her life, and was there to receive Him as Lord & Savior.  This young lady asked Jesus into her heart and life right there at the altar!  Praise His Holy Name!

Anyway, the whole purpose of this testimony is to encourage everyone out there to be obedient to The Holy Spirit.  Jesus changed my heart on Sunday morning.  Jesus told me what message to give.  I'm sure that Jesus put the words the He wanted shared on my lips when I shared the Gospel message (even though I thought I could have presented it better).  Jesus used me to call a prayer line, and Jesus brought that young lady up to the altar to get saved!  PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!!!  Because I was obedient, there is somebody new in the Kingdom.  I was used for God's glory!!! Let me encourage everyone who reads this to seek God in all aspects of their lives.  When you listen to His voice and do what He says, He will use you for the glory of the kingdom! 

Matthew 6:33 (KJV)-"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

I know that on Sunday, the angels in Heaven were rejoicing!  Can everyone PLEASE shout AMEN along with them??  Is anybody else excited ?  Come on-let's praise the Name of Jesus!!!

In Jesus' Name,
